Friday, July 16, 2010

"We are become a scorn to our neighbours..."

Can ye get and keep jobs? If ye can, congratulations. For my part, I know I can - but have not yet been able to see that ability released in my life. I just plain keep losing my jobs. Sometimes, as with H&R Block, that is simply because tax season is over. Today, however, it was because, according to Kelly, I just wasn't producing enough trusses.

It is all I can do to hold my head high and smile brightly - but, by the grace of God, I am doing it. And I will do it! This will anything but defeat me. It will actually propel me. How do I know that? By faith! Hallelujah! By the way, the Scripture that begins this post is from Psalm LXXIX.

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From Korea


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A young man who is taking one day at a time and seeking, by God's grace, to do his job: Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with his God (Micah 6:8)