Monday, March 10, 2008

"Good to go" for the year...

"Day of the month" / Morning Psalms / Evening Psalms

1st / Psalms 1-5 / Psalms 6-8

2nd / Ps. 9-11 / Ps. 12-14

3rd / Ps. 15-17 / Ps. 18

4th / Ps. 19-21 / Ps. 22-23

5th / Ps. 24-26 / Ps. 27-29

6th / Ps. 30-32 / Ps. 33-34

7th / Ps. 35-36 / Ps. 37

8th / Ps. 38-40 / Ps. 41-43

9th / Ps. 44-46 / Ps. 47-49

10th / Ps. 50-52 / Ps. 53-55

11th / Ps. 56-58 / Ps. 59-61

12th / Ps. 62-64 / Ps. 65-67

13th / Ps. 68 / Ps. 69-70

14th / Ps. 71-72 / Ps. 73-74

15th / Ps. 75-77 / Ps. 78

16th / Ps. 79-81 / Ps. 82-85

17th / Ps. 86-88 / Ps. 89

18th / Ps. 90-92 / Ps. 93-94

19th / Ps. 95-97 / Ps. 98-101

20th / Ps. 102-103 / Ps. 104

21st / Ps. 105 / Ps. 106

22nd / Ps. 107 / Ps. 108-109

23rd / Ps. 110-113 / Ps. 114-115

24th / Ps. 116-118 / Ps. 119 "Aleph" - "Daleth" (verses 1-32)

25th / Ps. 119 "He" - "Teth" (vss. 33-72)/ Ps. 119 "Yod" - "Mem" (vss.73-104)

26th / Ps. 119 "Nun" - "Tzaddi" (vss. 105-144)/ Ps. 119 "Koph" - "Tav" (vss. 145-176)

27th / Ps. 120-125 / Ps. 126-131

28th / Ps. 132-135 / Ps. 136-138

29th / Ps. 139-141 / Ps. 142-144

30th / Ps. 144-146 / Ps. 147-150

The above "table" is taken from the 1611 edition of the Authorized Version of the Bible. Again, it takes one through the Psalms in a 30-day month. Of course, the Proverbs can be read once a month as well, as long as you "double up" for one day on 30-day months (in such a case, I usually read Proverbs 30 and 31, on "day 30"), because Proverbs has 31 chapters.


From Korea


About Me

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A young man who is taking one day at a time and seeking, by God's grace, to do his job: Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with his God (Micah 6:8)