Wednesday, April 06, 2011

"Day of the month" / Morning Psalms / Evening Psalms

1st / Psalms 1-5 / Psalms 6-8

2nd / Ps. 9-11 / Ps. 12-14

3rd / Ps. 15-17 / Ps. 18

4th / Ps. 19-21 / Ps. 22-23

5th / Ps. 24-26 / Ps. 27-29

6th / Ps. 30-32 / Ps. 33-34 - "Today! 4/6/2011 (M/D/Y)"

7th / Ps. 35-36 / Ps. 37

8th / Ps. 38-40 / Ps. 41-43

9th / Ps. 44-46 / Ps. 47-49

10th / Ps. 50-52 / Ps. 53-55

11th / Ps. 56-58 / Ps. 59-61

12th / Ps. 62-64 / Ps. 65-67

13th / Ps. 68 / Ps. 69-70

14th / Ps. 71-72 / Ps. 73-74

15th / Ps. 75-77 / Ps. 78

16th / Ps. 79-81 / Ps. 82-85

17th / Ps. 86-88 / Ps. 89

18th / Ps. 90-92 / Ps. 93-94

19th / Ps. 95-97 / Ps. 98-101

20th / Ps. 102-103 / Ps. 104

21st / Ps. 105 / Ps. 106

22nd / Ps. 107 / Ps. 108-109

23rd / Ps. 110-113 / Ps. 114-115

24th / Ps. 116-118 / Ps. 119 "Aleph" - "Daleth" (verses 1-32)

25th / Ps. 119 "He" - "Teth" (vss. 33-72)/ Ps. 119 "Yod" - "Mem" (vss.73-104)

26th / Ps. 119 "Nun" - "Tzaddi" (vss. 105-144)/ Ps. 119 "Koph" - "Tav" (vss. 145-176)

27th / Ps. 120-125 / Ps. 126-131

28th / Ps. 132-135 / Ps. 136-138

29th / Ps. 139-141 / Ps. 142-144

30th / Ps. 144-146 / Ps. 147-150

The above "table" is taken from the 1611 edition of the Authorized Version of the Bible. Again, it takes one through the Psalms in a 30-day month. Of course, the Proverbs can be read once a month as well, as long as you "double up" for one day on 30-day months (in such a case, I usually read Proverbs 30 and 31, on "day 30"), because Proverbs has 31 chapters.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Make their loins continually to shake..."

That is the verse on my mind right now, taken from Psalm 109, I believe. It is an "impreccation", which the Psalms are known for. Sometimes I think God wants us to cry out to be avenged, like the importunate widow in Luke 18. Of course, we ought to also do good to and pray for our enemies (which, by the way, David did as well). That does not mean we should shun to make our prayers authentic, however. Hey! If the martyred saints in Revelation 6 can cry out for their blood to be avenged, since when do we have to keep our anger and anguish of soul a secret. All I know is: my prayer, again, is "Make their loins continually to shake..." And, "Bow down their back always...", in Jesus' name amen. "P.S. Do have mercy on them and save them, by all means..."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Not unto us, O LORD...

...not unto us, but unto thy name, give glory; for thy mercy and for thy truth's sake. Wherefore should they say among the heathen, "Where is their God". But our God is in the heavens - he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased." Psalm 115

This, I pray, tonight, from my heart.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

I am feeble and sore broken...

I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart. Psalm XXXVIII.8

Had a good "roar" lately? Personally, I don't know about "lately", but it does seem to happen every once in a while. It's pretty shocking when it happens, but what a relief! And what an even greater relief to realize it's jolly-well Scriptural! What a relief, also, to know I don't have to have it all together. After all, "feeble and sore broken" speaks to me of "having it all together in reverse"! And, folks, that would be where I am at! Good-night!

P.S. Here is a poem on "roaring":


From Korea


About Me

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A young man who is taking one day at a time and seeking, by God's grace, to do his job: Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with his God (Micah 6:8)