Monday, June 14, 2010

"When I saw the prosperity of the wicked" (Psalm LXXIII)

Though I am all pumped up about the oncoming prosperity I believe God has in store, it is sobering to recall what Asaph describes as the "prosperity of the wicked". Such is the kind of prosperity I can do without! For us, by all means, our prosperity is mainly spiritual. It consists of offspring - spiritual and physical. And, of course, it certainly involves having our physical needs met (and even exceeded, in my opinion, in God's good time). While the wicked seem to have more than heart could wish, however, I will gladly wait for the fulfillment of the following verse from Proverbs: "Blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich - and he addeth no sorrow with it".

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A young man who is taking one day at a time and seeking, by God's grace, to do his job: Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with his God (Micah 6:8)