This is a 30-day plan for reading Psalms and Proverbs once a month. If "ye have not yet tried reading Psalms and Proverbs once a month, I invite you to "Taste and see" that the Psalms and Proverbs are "good"!
"Day of the month" / Morning Psalms / Evening Psalms / Chapter of Proverbs
1st / Psalms 1-5 / Psalms 6-8 / Proverbs 1
2nd / Ps. 9-11 / Ps. 12-14 / Proverbs 2
3rd / Ps. 15-17 / Ps. 18 / Proverbs 3
4th / Ps. 19-21 / Ps. 22-23 / Proverbs 4
5th / Ps. 24-26 / Ps. 27-29 / Proverbs 5
6th / Ps. 30-32 / Ps. 33-34 / Proverbs 6
7th / Ps. 35-36 / Ps. 37 / Proverbs 7
8th / Ps. 38-40 / Ps. 41-43 / Proverbs 8
9th / Ps. 44-46 / Ps. 47-49 / Proverbs 9
10th / Ps. 50-52 / Ps. 53-55 / Proverbs 10
11th / Ps. 56-58 / Ps. 59-61 / Proverbs 11
12th / Ps. 62-64 / Ps. 65-67 / Proverbs 12
13th / Ps. 68 / Ps. 69-70 / Proverbs 13
14th / Ps. 71-72 / Ps. 73-74 / Proverbs 14
15th / Ps. 75-77 / Ps. 78 / Proverbs 15
16th / Ps. 79-81 / Ps. 82-85 / Proverbs 16
17th / Ps. 86-88 / Ps. 89 / Proverbs 17
18th / Ps. 90-92 / Ps. 93-94 / Proverbs 18
19th / Ps. 95-97 / Ps. 98-101 / Proverbs 19
20th / Ps. 102-103 / Ps. 104 / Proverbs 20
21st / Ps. 105 / Ps. 106 / Proverbs 21
22nd / Ps. 107 / Ps. 108-109 / Proverbs 22
23rd / Ps. 110-113 / Ps. 114-115 / Proverbs 23
24th / Ps. 116-118 / Ps. 119 "Aleph" - "Daleth" (verses 1-32) / Proverbs 24
25th / Ps. 119 "He" - "Teth" (vss. 33-72)/ Ps. 119 "Yod" - "Mem" (vss.73-104) / Proverbs 25
26th / Ps. 119 "Nun" - "Tzaddi" (vss. 105-144)/ Ps. 119 "Koph" - "Tav" (vss. 145-176) / Proverbs 26
27th / Ps. 120-125 / Ps. 126-131 / Proverbs 27
28th / Ps. 132-135 / Ps. 136-138 / Proverbs 28
29th / Ps. 139-141 / Ps. 142-144 / Proverbs 29
30th / Ps. 144-146 / Ps. 147-150 / Proverbs 30 and 31 (or, if there is a 31st day, read Proverbs 31 on that day)
I found that an easy way to do the Psalms in a month, is by date: If it's the 7th of the month, you read Psalm 7, 37, 67, 97, & 127. If it were the 17th, you'd read, Psalm 17, 47, 77, 107, & 137. By just adding 30 to the date, you read all the Psalms, and you never lose track of where you are!!
Thanks for that! As a matter of fact, that is how I started as well. Then I started just reading 5 per day (1-5 on day one, 6-10 on day two, etc.) As you say, it does keep things simpler, in terms of knowing where to read each day.
In addition, it means that, some days, you only have a little bit to read (because you might just happen to have a lot of short ones, but no really long ones); whereas on other days, you have a regular FEAST (especially when it's time for the big daddy of them all, namely "119").
If you have a plan for reading Psalms once a month that works for you, great. Personally, I have found that the schedule I discovered in my 1611 Authorized (a.k.a. "King James") Bible, however, does give me a nice amount of consistency - giving me more Psalms when they're short, and less when they're long.
I guess the bottom line is to get started, and enjoy the rich benefits!
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