Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"Reading Plan"

This is a 30-day plan for reading Psalms and Proverbs once a month. If "ye have not yet tried reading Psalms and Proverbs once a month, I invite you to "Taste and see" that the Psalms and Proverbs are "good"!

"Day of the month" / Morning Psalms / Evening Psalms / Chapter of Proverbs

1st / Psalms 1-5 / Psalms 6-8 / Proverbs 1

2nd / Ps. 9-11 / Ps. 12-14 / Proverbs 2

3rd / Ps. 15-17 / Ps. 18 / Proverbs 3

4th / Ps. 19-21 / Ps. 22-23 / Proverbs 4

5th / Ps. 24-26 / Ps. 27-29 / Proverbs 5

6th / Ps. 30-32 / Ps. 33-34 / Proverbs 6

7th / Ps. 35-36 / Ps. 37 / Proverbs 7

8th / Ps. 38-40 / Ps. 41-43 / Proverbs 8

9th / Ps. 44-46 / Ps. 47-49 / Proverbs 9

10th / Ps. 50-52 / Ps. 53-55 / Proverbs 10

11th / Ps. 56-58 / Ps. 59-61 / Proverbs 11

12th / Ps. 62-64 / Ps. 65-67 / Proverbs 12

13th / Ps. 68 / Ps. 69-70 / Proverbs 13

14th / Ps. 71-72 / Ps. 73-74 / Proverbs 14

15th / Ps. 75-77 / Ps. 78 / Proverbs 15

16th / Ps. 79-81 / Ps. 82-85 / Proverbs 16

17th / Ps. 86-88 / Ps. 89 / Proverbs 17

18th / Ps. 90-92 / Ps. 93-94 / Proverbs 18

19th / Ps. 95-97 / Ps. 98-101 / Proverbs 19

20th / Ps. 102-103 / Ps. 104 / Proverbs 20

21st / Ps. 105 / Ps. 106 / Proverbs 21

22nd / Ps. 107 / Ps. 108-109 / Proverbs 22

23rd / Ps. 110-113 / Ps. 114-115 / Proverbs 23

24th / Ps. 116-118 / Ps. 119 "Aleph" - "Daleth" (verses 1-32) / Proverbs 24

25th / Ps. 119 "He" - "Teth" (vss. 33-72)/ Ps. 119 "Yod" - "Mem" (vss.73-104) / Proverbs 25

26th / Ps. 119 "Nun" - "Tzaddi" (vss. 105-144)/ Ps. 119 "Koph" - "Tav" (vss. 145-176) / Proverbs 26

27th / Ps. 120-125 / Ps. 126-131 / Proverbs 27

28th / Ps. 132-135 / Ps. 136-138 / Proverbs 28

29th / Ps. 139-141 / Ps. 142-144 / Proverbs 29

30th / Ps. 144-146 / Ps. 147-150 / Proverbs 30 and 31 (or, if there is a 31st day, read Proverbs 31 on that day)


Monday, March 10, 2008

"Good to go" for the year...

"Day of the month" / Morning Psalms / Evening Psalms

1st / Psalms 1-5 / Psalms 6-8

2nd / Ps. 9-11 / Ps. 12-14

3rd / Ps. 15-17 / Ps. 18

4th / Ps. 19-21 / Ps. 22-23

5th / Ps. 24-26 / Ps. 27-29

6th / Ps. 30-32 / Ps. 33-34

7th / Ps. 35-36 / Ps. 37

8th / Ps. 38-40 / Ps. 41-43

9th / Ps. 44-46 / Ps. 47-49

10th / Ps. 50-52 / Ps. 53-55

11th / Ps. 56-58 / Ps. 59-61

12th / Ps. 62-64 / Ps. 65-67

13th / Ps. 68 / Ps. 69-70

14th / Ps. 71-72 / Ps. 73-74

15th / Ps. 75-77 / Ps. 78

16th / Ps. 79-81 / Ps. 82-85

17th / Ps. 86-88 / Ps. 89

18th / Ps. 90-92 / Ps. 93-94

19th / Ps. 95-97 / Ps. 98-101

20th / Ps. 102-103 / Ps. 104

21st / Ps. 105 / Ps. 106

22nd / Ps. 107 / Ps. 108-109

23rd / Ps. 110-113 / Ps. 114-115

24th / Ps. 116-118 / Ps. 119 "Aleph" - "Daleth" (verses 1-32)

25th / Ps. 119 "He" - "Teth" (vss. 33-72)/ Ps. 119 "Yod" - "Mem" (vss.73-104)

26th / Ps. 119 "Nun" - "Tzaddi" (vss. 105-144)/ Ps. 119 "Koph" - "Tav" (vss. 145-176)

27th / Ps. 120-125 / Ps. 126-131

28th / Ps. 132-135 / Ps. 136-138

29th / Ps. 139-141 / Ps. 142-144

30th / Ps. 144-146 / Ps. 147-150

The above "table" is taken from the 1611 edition of the Authorized Version of the Bible. Again, it takes one through the Psalms in a 30-day month. Of course, the Proverbs can be read once a month as well, as long as you "double up" for one day on 30-day months (in such a case, I usually read Proverbs 30 and 31, on "day 30"), because Proverbs has 31 chapters.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Let us read!

The following table is taken from the 1611 edition of the Authorized Version of the Bible. It takes me through the Psalms in a 30-day month. For average length Psalms, it gives you three Psalms in the morning and three in the evening. If the Psalms are shorter, it gives you more, and if longer, it gives you less. I find this helpful, because it helps keep the amount of reading consistent. Of course, the Proverbs can be read once a month as well, as long as you "double up" for one day on 30-day months (in such a case, I usually read Proverbs 30 and 31, on "day 30"), because Proverbs has 31 chapters.

"Day of the month" / Morning Psalms / Evening Psalms / Chapter of Proverbs

1st day of the month / Psalms 1-5 / Psalms 6-8 / Proverbs 1

2nd / Ps. 9-11 / Ps. 12-14 / Proverbs 2

3rd / Ps. 15-17 / Ps. 18 / Proverbs 3

4th / Ps. 19-21 / Ps. 22-23 / Proverbs 4

5th / Ps. 24-26 / Ps. 27-29 / Proverbs 5

6th / Ps. 30-32 / Ps. 33-34 / Proverbs 6

7th / Ps. 35-36 / Ps. 37 / Proverbs 7

8th / Ps. 38-40 / Ps. 41-43 / Proverbs 8

9th / Ps. 44-46 / Ps. 47-49 / Proverbs 9

10th / Ps. 50-52 / Ps. 53-55 / Proverbs 10

11th / Ps. 56-58 / Ps. 59-61 / Proverbs 11

12th / Ps. 62-64 / Ps. 65-67 / Proverbs 12

13th / Ps. 68 / Ps. 69-70 / Proverbs 13

14th / Ps. 71-72 / Ps. 73-74 / Proverbs 14

15th / Ps. 75-77 / Ps. 78 / Proverbs 15

16th / Ps. 79-81 / Ps. 82-85 / Proverbs 16

17th / Ps. 86-88 / Ps. 89 / Proverbs 17

18th / Ps. 90-92 / Ps. 93-94 / Proverbs 18

19th / Ps. 95-97 / Ps. 98-101 / Proverbs 19

20th / Ps. 102-103 / Ps. 104 / Proverbs 20

21st / Ps. 105 / Ps. 106 / Proverbs 21

22nd / Ps. 107 / Ps. 108-109 / Proverbs 22

23rd / Ps. 110-113 / Ps. 114-115 / Proverbs 23

24th / Ps. 116-118 / Ps. 119 "Aleph" - "Daleth" (verses 1-32) / Proverbs 24

25th / Ps. 119 "He" - "Teth" (vss. 33-72)/ Ps. 119 "Yod" - "Mem" (vss.73-104) / Proverbs 25

26th / Ps. 119 "Nun" - "Tzaddi" (vss. 105-144)/ Ps. 119 "Koph" - "Tav" (vss. 145-176) / Proverbs 26

27th / Ps. 120-125 / Ps. 126-131 / Proverbs 27

28th / Ps. 132-135 / Ps. 136-138 / Proverbs 28

29th / Ps. 139-141 / Ps. 142-144 / Proverbs 29

30th / Ps. 144-146 / Ps. 147-150 / Proverbs 30

31st (if there is one) / Proverbs 31 (could be read on 30th day if there is no 31st)

Note: There are 31 days in this month (i.e. "January"), and 29 in the next ("February"). Therefore, it may help to combine the two months to make two 30-day months. I suggest restarting the above 30-day schedule starting on the 31st of this month, and ending on the 29th of next month. Please see:

Also, if I get behind, I like to catch up, but please do not feel bogged down if you feel you cannot keep up or catch up. If you miss a day or two, or more, and all you can do is start back on the Psalms for the present day, do that. You can always read the Psalms you missed the following month. Another method that really helps me is to read the first verse of a Psalm or chapter, even if I do not have the time to read it all right there and then. Later on, when I have time, I am then more likely to read the whole Psalm or chapter, than I would have been, had I not taken the time to read the first verse earlier on. It certainly takes determination to get through the Psalms and Proverbs once a month, but I wholeheartedly recommend it.

Finally, forgive me for stating the obvious, but you can take or leave this idea of reading the Psalms and Proverbs once a month. If you take it, and run with it, however, I am willing to guarantee that you will not be disappointed.




From Korea


About Me

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A young man who is taking one day at a time and seeking, by God's grace, to do his job: Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with his God (Micah 6:8)